Rainfall Health is a digital health platform for revenue leakage prevention in medical deserts. Through curated provider systems, we support the unique needs of your rural and medically underserved patients and ensure every patient receives the care they need regardless of their location. Simplifying episode accountability within your organization and streamlining the referral process to keep patients engaged within your system.
Our interoperable platform offers revenue leakage prevention and streamlines the referral process in medical deserts.
Our platform offers both in-person and virtual visits, providing both patients and providers with seamless scheduling and multiple notifications prior to a scheduled visit. Additionally we offer human touch with our care coordination team, ensuring patients have everything they need prior to scheduled appointments.
Provides patients with user experience services and support utilizing real humans accessed through our digital health platform. For your team, we are digitizing episode accountability models, as soon to be required by CMS.
Through aggregation of data across various points of care, we have the ability to share trends, quality outcomes, and opportunities for improved population health management.