Everything You Need to Maximize Reimbursement and Streamline Compliance for CMS TEAM

The Transforming Episode Accountability Model (TEAM) is a new mandatory CMS model taking effect on January 1, 2026. We are the first to market product based solution that sets you up for compliance and manages your journey over the 4 year period of performance all in one place.
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R.A.I.N. Advisory Committee

This historic committee is made of select Healthcare Executives and Operators that will help create operational and technology frameworks for healthcare systems. The Advisory Committee provides strategic guidance to promote healthcare accessibility. By holding healthcare organizations accountable to measurable benchmarks, the Committee aims to use best operational practices for the betterment of all communities.

Have questions about TEAM and how it affects your organization?

Chat with one of our experts to answer your questions around the requirements and reimbursements.
Book Your Session Now

Maximizing Reimbursement

40% of Medicare reimbursements for TEAM impacted procedures may be impacted.
Model Reimbursement →

Data-Driven Decision-making 

The first to market product based solution that sets you up for compliance and manages your journey over the 4 year period of performance.
Generate Your Reports  →

Audit for Achieving Compliance

Seamless and intuitive approach to compliance in 10 weeks or less. Secure handling of relevant reports with your personal guide.
Start Your Compliance Journey →

Rainfall Health is the Only Health Compliance Platform With Everything You Need to Respond to the TEAM Model

Compliance Management
Reimbursement Modeling
Experienced Committee